Post by AnonymousPost by Governor SwillPost by Andrew WPost by Jimmy FargroveRUSSIAN HACKERS HACKED THE US ELECTION!!!
No they didn't. The American majority voted for Trump.
Trump got a million fewer votes than he did in 2020.
Trump has already exceeded the 74,223,975 votes he got in 2020.
Post by Governor SwillDemocrats failed to turn out for Harris. She got 13 million fewer
votes than
Biden did in 2020.
No fraudulent printed-off mail-in votes trucked in at 3 AM.
They are milking the counting to get "wins" in red territory. At the
end of the election on Nov 5, 3 CA GOP candidates were comfortably
ahead. Now, all three are behind with Dems ahead with reporting
percentages in the low to mid 80s. They aren't ahead by much, a few
thousand votes, but the red margins in every case was 10K+.
Why is it taking so long to count the rest of the votes?
Post by AnonymousAnd since they refuse to complete their counts in a timely manner (probably
so they can manufacture fraudulent votes for Harris and House Democrats),
California should be declared to be in a state of insurrection once Trump
is inaugurated.
Notice whose district vote counting percentage is higher than all the rest.
CA US House General Election 11
Last Updated: Nov 10, 2024, 11:07 PM
90% est. reporting
Candidates Party Votes Pct.
Nancy Pelosi *
DEM 246,416 81.4%
Bruce Lou
GOP 56,232 18.6%
Total 302,648
* Incumbent
Election Date: 11/5/2024